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Introducing a stunning development property in the coveted Riverbend community of Edmonton, situated along the picturesque North Saskatchewan River. This prime location offers unparalleled views and access to nature while still being conveniently located near the heart of the city. With endless possibilities for development, this property presents a unique opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind space in one of Edmonton’s most sought-after areas. 

August 2024 Update

At our June 20 Open House, we introduced both a residential development plan and an exciting alternative—a premium Spa concept. We are pleased to announce that the Spa concept has progressed significantly and is showing strong potential.

In partnership with Scandinave Group, a renowned spa builder and operator, we are actively supporting their efforts to rezone and acquire the Soaring lands. Scandinave Group is making strides in the rezoning process, and we are optimistic about the outcome.

We expect a decision from the council by early 2025. If the rezoning is approved, Scandinave Group will move forward with the purchase and development of the site. Should the rezoning not be granted, UAPT will retain ownership of the land and will revert to our original residential development plan. We remain committed to ensuring the best possible outcome for this site and the community.




Soaring Open House June 20, 2024

Soaring Lands Open House Engagement Summary

June 2024

Purpose of the Open House

  • Present the Draft Concept Plans for Soaring Lands
  • Gather comments and feedback on the proposed Concept Plans
  • Provide an opportunity to speak with the project consultants and UAPT staff about the Draft Concepts


PDF Download Download the ‘What We Heard‘ PDF  from the June 20th Open House
PDF Download Download the Open House Boards PDF presented at the June 20, 2024 event
UAPT Soaring Lands Pre-Concept Open House Engagement Summary

Soaring Lands Pre-Concept Open House Engagement Summary

June 2023

The first engagement event, the Pre-Concept Open House, was held on Thursday, June 1, 2023. The event introduced UAPT and the Soaring Lands project and asked for input to support the creation of a draft vision and feedback to inform the creation of the concepts for redevelopment.

Over 1500 postcards were delivered to all homes and residential units in Brander Gardens and 1300 homes and residential units in Ramsay Heights nearest to the site. Community league social media posts, paid advertisement, and written article in Ragg-Times, road signs, and the UAPT website that were also used to advertise the event and invite residents. Over 90 people attended and 10 online survey responses were received.

A second open house is planned for fall 2023 where you will be able to see draft concepts and provide feedback.


PDF Download Download the PDF


Soaring Property Site

The Soaring property is a 10 acre site in the heart of Edmonton. Located on the edge of the North Saskatchewan River in the Brander Gardens neighbourhood, Soaring provides easy access to the Whitemud Freeway and the city’s boundless amenities.

The property was donated to the University of Alberta in 2010, with the university maintaining the house as a conference centre and renting it out for events such as weddings. 

The University found the property could not support the university’s teaching or research mandate. The decision was made to decommission and clear the site. The University’s long-term asset management strategy focuses on better using the University’s owned space, reducing its reliance on leased space, renewing or disposing of buildings, and prioritizing where the institution needs to invest its limited resources to address deferred maintenance.

The property was then transferred to the University of Alberta Properties Trust (UAPT)  with the mandate to redevelop the property.


about UAPT

University of Alberta Properties Trust

University of Alberta Properties Trust

The University of Alberta Properties Trust (UAPT) was formed by the University of Alberta to develop or re-develop lands deemed by the University as not central to its academic mission of teaching and research.

Today, the organization has been entrusted with the responsibility of developing several ‘crown jewel’ properties in the middle of one of Canada’s fastest growing cities – and distributing net revenues back to the University of Alberta, contributing to its long-term sustainability.

The UAPT knows that reimagining these lands will take time, and many hands and many voices along the way. But as residents begin to call these new communities home, they will be building a new future for themselves – and a legacy for generations of University of Alberta students.

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